
What happens in a elevator...

Who farted? Not me.

I was waiting at the elevator with the head of security. We had a meeting with the president of Mercantil Banks assistant regarding an event we were going to make out side Caracas. When we got in the elevator on the eighth floor, there was one person riding it. She was a middle aged woman, very well known at the bank. We said hi and she waved back. Suddenly something happened because she was going to the 28th floor and she changed. People change their mind all the time. We did not pay attention and continued talking. We reached the “new level” and she got down, leaving a smelly little gift for us. The smelliest fart ever. She had to go to church to save her soul, because her body was a lost cause. That was not the worst part. While we were struggling to breath, someone got on the 26th floor. It wasn’t some random person, NO! It was the head of Human Resources. We were in the elevator laughing and struggling to breath. It took him just two sniffs to realize what was going on. We were laughing trying to explain. More people got on the 28th floor. So, I think we got blamed for the fart because we could not explain. We were not going to blame the old woman because no one was going to believe us. We had to take the blame.

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